UNIGEMS preprint is live!

UNIGEMS project finally sees the official announcement. If you teach with plasmids and bacteria, you may find it useful.

Jarek Bryk https://bryklab.net (University of Huddersfield)https://hud.ac.uk

Just what is says on the tin - we have finally put our UNIGEMS paper on biorxiv: UNIGEMS: plasmids and parts to facilitate teaching on assembly, gene expression control and logic in E. coli. The paper describes the 10 plasmids we have constructed and characterised to facilitate all sorts of introductory practical classes around the concepts in synthetic biology, genetics engineering and/or general microbiology.

I have written a longish Twitter thread describing it in more detail, so I am just going to link to it below. If you have any questions about these resources, give me a shout on Twitter.